
Mar 9, 2011

Club Penguin- Field Op Misson 35 Cheats!

Hey Penguins!
Today Cp made the 35th Field op!
So lets head over to the HQ and see what G has to say!

It Reads: Red alert! Radar is picking up a large group of incoming mini wheel bots. We're ready for them this time! 
Work Together to find the exact spot the bots are headed for. Then use our new radar defense to take them out.
So after I searched the island I found the Field Op!
It is located at The Ski Village!
So Lets take a look at what we have to do in field op 35!
So press engage and Lets start!

In this field op, You must find the bot and match up and row and line that its in and then i will be destroyed!

Then earn your medal and get a message from Herbert!
I wonder what scheme hes planing next....

What do you think is Herbert's next scheme??

Drop Us a comment and tell us what you think!


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